March 13, 2025

A few weeks ago, I added the Skribit widget to see if people had particular things they’d like me to write about. Not one comment. So that means you’re all reading via RSS or have no questions! So if there is a Lightroom related topic you’d like me to write about, please add it to the widget!

5 thoughts on “Skribit Suggestions

  1. I’m much closer to 40 than 30 myself Fergus!

    RSS is a very convenient way of getting all of the news from blogs in one place.
    The widget is just there as a way to get suggestions in!

  2. Sean, Some of us have enought trouble with “simple” programs like Lightroom. We read your blog in IE or Firefox. We have no idea what RSS is or how to use it and we certainly have no understanding of skirobit, U-tube, face book or any other of the tools used by the current under 30 age group. I recommend that you keep it simple (KISS)

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