July 26, 2024

A few weeks ago the Administrator for Adobe Community Help for Lightroom, Anita Dennis, told me that she was nominating me as an Adobe Community Expert. Today I got the news that the nomination had been accepted and that I’m now an Adobe Community Expert. Wow! There’s a change happening in how things are being handled, so my name isn’t on the current list yet. I’m pretty happy about getting this!

Part of being chosen involves activity in the community, which I already do in many forms, here for example, and on Community Help. It all feels like new shoes.
Don points out that Ian Lyons is also an Adobe Community Expert in the comments. In fact I’ve already spoken to Ian today about it over the phone. Ian was the first person I ever knew as a Community Expert back in the Lightroom Beta days. He even send me to the page I’ve linked above to find out more. It’s a bit like coming full circle since then!

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