March 14, 2025

My Graduated Filter Presets have been updated to version 2. Version 2 of the LRB Grads contains an extra folder of Sunset filters, along with a middle filter for each of the types and strengths.

There are 2 zips in the archive: One with the original Colour Strength Position naming, and one with the new form Position Colour Strength.

The new version makes for quicker previewing in the Navigator.

To install the new filters right click on a preset and click Show in Finder/Explorer. If you are updating and want to use the new names, delete the older presets first. Delete the LRB Grads folders (there are 6 in V1).

Unzip the file file in this folder for the new names, or for the original naming scheme. Restart Lightroom.

Your original download link will still work for these. I’ll be updating the original page shortly, along with the new product page, based on that page. If you have used all the downloads: tough.. Nah, I’m kidding, reply to the original downlaod post including the contents of the post and I’ll reactivate your download.

Product Page:

10 thoughts on “LRB Grads updated to version 2

  1. You said Nikon.

    That may be true for you, but it is not true for me. I have a large belly and short arms.
    When I hold the camera shutter up, my elbow is pulled into my chest. The camera body and lens are supported by my left hand. I can reach all the controls with my thumb and fore finger this way.
    Holding shutter down, my arm cramps and I can’t reach the controls. The camera is visibly less stable in my hands.

  2. sean just a quick little comment that shooting the camera with the shutter release facing up causes your right hand and elbow to move into a more unnatural position for hand holding and stabilizing the camera. Therefore the camera is not AS steady in that position as you state in your blog about portrait shooting with the graduated filters. the Nikon school course teaches hand holding the camera with the shutter release button facing down so that you can take advantage of a more natural position for your elbow which can now be pulled into your stomach and hip area which can be used to better support the camera by using your own body mass as a support or balancing platform. je

  3. You are more than entitled to that opinion dave.
    I’ve put in nearly 2 weeks work with it. It saves people time and is only a nominal price. You’re more than welcome to make your own.

  4. Thanks a lot. I guess I had a download or two left because it still worked. Your work has saved me a lot of fiddling around and I’m more than happy with the presets.

  5. The grads are in their own folders. 7 of them in fact. And Lightroom does see them that way. I’d prefer if it did more than one level of folder, but it’s all we have for now.

    The names are already way too long, but it a necessary evil…

  6. Sean, Just a thought – I’m finding that with so many presets installed (from a number of sources) organising them for easy access is a must. Unless I’m missing something LR doesn’t support preset sub folders, so I’ve tried to adopt a category naming convention for folders for easy access. (Skies, Tints, Contrast Enhancement, GF Landscape etc etc.) For your filters I’ve found that folder names like “GF Landscape, GF Landscape Hard, GF Landscape Soft” keeps them sorted for easy access.
    My description’s all a bit Rambling Sid Rumpold but you get the idea.
    May not work for everyone, but for me it seems to help locate the right preset more quickly.


  7. Awesome! I am looking forward to it but I cannot seem to find my receipt with the link. Can you resend this to me if you have it in your records? Thanks very much for all the hard work.

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