January 15, 2025

Hey folks, especially those reading via RSS, I’m making the move to Word Press because of Blogger cancelling FTP blogging. I’m pretty much ready to go, so please check out the site and update your feeds. There’ll be house keeping being done for the next while when we ‘move in’, but all is basically ready to go. Sorry about the short notice, but I only discovered about Blogger yesterday. I suspect the new feed will be either feed:http://lightroom-blog.com/wp/feed or feed:http://lightroom-blog.com/feed so please update!

7 thoughts on “Making the move: Please check the site and update your RSS feed

  1. I haven’t used the Blogger platform but I recently redid my site using WordPress and I’ve been *very* happy with it. It was all pretty painless to set up and the ability to update the software and plugins from within the UI means I’m much better about installing security updates.

    Also, thanks for providing your content via RSS!

  2. That was quick + it looks good. I’ve been doing something similar, only using tags instead of categories (I like tag clouds) and I’ve been adding some custom pages. For a blog plus articles site, WP seems pretty good – just worried about security. Once bitten….

    1. You should see this list of spam trackbacks I have already. I’m liking the ease of adding pages though!

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