July 26, 2024

Sheesh.. I have more Web Galleries than templates these days…. I really need to delete some! And update others! Especially my own. I’m so busy with book writing that it’s taking a lot of my time, in fact, nearly all of my spare time. Anyhow I thought you might get a laugh out of my list, especially as there is way more than this available:


5 thoughts on “Too Many Galleries

  1. But Matthew, it does exactly what I need..

    I suppose I could build my own version, but I’m just so pressed for time..

    It’s a good thing I haven’t added any of the galleries from my Web Galleries 2 folder, which contains older test galleries and some very not working/breaking Web Module galleries.

    Hannes, quite a number of these are infant galleries and a number are not publicly available.
    I know of 4 locations for galleries: Here, The Turning Gate (follow Matthew’s link). LightroomGalleries.com and SlideShowPro.net

  2. Hi Sean,
    this list is impressive. Unfortunately i couldn’t google some of the entries. especially the tuts i couldn’t find. A list of links of known galleries would b e very helpful.
    Greetings from Germany
    Hannes Löhr

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