October 18, 2024



I’ve been buried in work since getting back from Iceland, so much so that I’ve neglected my duties too much here. July is always the maddest month in Galway, because it’s festival after festival after festival. When I got back from Iceland, it was the finale of the Volco Ocean Race, then the Film Fleadh (festival), then 2 weeks of the Arts Festival, then finally Race Week. Madness. And on top of that, I had a deadline for a project, so I’ve been nose to grindstone.

Just before I left for Iceland, I got word that onOne had put a set of 12 high resolution textures of mine in the onOne Marketplace. Yay! Of the hundreds I have,  these are my favourite, and they’ve been used on an array of competition winning images. Some of them are in the gallery above.

These are 4000px long @ 300ppi. Now that’s not critical because textures can be stretched a lot, but these don’t have to be, at least by much. It’s basically $1 per image, which is cheaper than a microstock site for an image that size!

Any pop over to Crack, Bump and Scratch Textures at the onOne Marketplace.

The other thing is they’ve given me a discount code to let you have money off their product. It’s LRSEAN and is good for 15% discount. That’s throughout the store, including the Marketplace. That means nearly $45 off Suite 6.1 right now!

I’ve another pack to put together, and who knows, I might even put some of my current favourite presets up there too (of my own obviously!).

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