March 29, 2025

Lightroom is a new program in development by Adobe as a workflow solution geared towards Professional Photographers. Built in a modular layout it currently brings the user from import to final output, be it Slideshow, Print or for the Web. Currently in Beta 3 there are 5 modules on the Mac(4 on Windows). These are Library, Develop, Slidehow, Print and Web (being the one missing from Windows). They follow what is a fairly normal workflow route for most photographers. Briefly these are used as follows:

  • Library

    In Library we can Import, keyword and organise our photos in shoots and collections. Each image imported resides in one Shoot only, but can be in many collections. From here we can view our images in thumbnail grid, individually in Loupe mode or multiple images in compare mode. This is the central point for accessing our images. Looking around the screen we can see 5 parts to the screen. The central working area contains our images, either in grid or individual form. To the left we have the main file access panel where we can see and select our shoots and collections. Also there is access to our full library, last import and the current quick collection. Next we have a library filter which lets us search in filenames and by ratings. On the subject of ratings it is possible to rate an image in Library, Develop and Slideshow by pressing the numeric keys 1-5. On the top we have the main panel allowing us to change modules. Also featured is the Idenity Plate which lets us add our own name to the program. On the bottom is the Filmstrip which lets us have quick access to all the photos in the currently selected shoot or collection. Finally on the right we have our large thumbnail with histogram. Below this is the Quick Develop pane which lets us do quick adjustments to exposure, white balance, cropping etc. We can also apply Develop Presets here too and copy and paste settings from and to other images. Next up is our info panel which contains our Keywords. Finally we have Metadata, which lets us view and edit Metadata like EXIF, IPTC. We can use Metadata Presets here to apply any IPTC data to a file without the need for retyping. Next post will be a quick overview of develop
  • 3 thoughts on “So what is Lightroom? Introduction and Library.

    1. Databased managed
      Access to offline images
      All edits in metadata, original file untouched.
      Local corrections in metadata
      Better search
      customisable galleries

      There’s more than 1 few articles online if you search Bridge Vs Lightroom.

    2. Great screenshots! You make the UI look so beautiful! Nice blog and I really like your color choices. Thanks also for so much participation in the LR project and forums.

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