October 18, 2024

As a general rule anything you read on this blog is generally camera agnostic. The rare times somethings’ been highlighted as camera specific, it’s been additional camera profiles, or support. I will keep it that way too. Using Lightroom isn’t about the camera you use, but about the workflow.

However, with my change to Fuji, and becoming an official Fujifilm X-Photographer, I was asked to do an article on Lightroom and Fuji. You can catch it over at Fujilove, a really fabulous site for all things Fuji! As well as the great articles on the site, there’s also a premium service with forums and a monthly magazine. The first issue was out this month, and the articles have already influence my perception of photography. I’m not an affiliate-not that it would matter-it’s just a genuinely interesting magazine if your Fuji centric

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