March 4, 2025

A comment in the HS Web post got me started thinking about creating a far more customisable and cleaner version of a ‘Website in a Gallery’ Web plugin. I’ve literally spent almost all my spare time rewriting this from the ground up since then. In fact all the code has been completely replaced the with new Lightroom 2.0 SDK code and so is brand new. Even the Contact Form has been updated to give much prettier returns.


LRB Porfolio features.

  • A true Website in a Gallery.
  • Lightroom 2 compatible-Not for Lightroom 1
  • Wesbite featuring a Home, About and Contact pages, along with up to 6 galleries or external links.
  • A PHP contact form to make you contactable, but keeping your email address hidden.
  • For those without PHP, a series of contact details that you can pick and choose between, including Contact Name, Email, email link, phone number, address etc.
  • Choose the images for the Home, About and Contact page yourself.
  • Colour controls for each section of the page.
  • Simple clean look, with scrolling galleries, a popular look currently.
  • All HTML and CSS, so compatible for a wide range of users.
  • Full User Guide (that took a bit of time!)
  • Controls for menu and Identity Plate placement (left, centre, right)
  • Full Lightroom 2 SDK code, including new Output Sharpening code.
  • Requires only minor HTML for line breaks, otherwise code free for the User
  • Requires no HTML editor
  • Optional Right Click and Drag Disable
  • There’s a wealth of stuff changed from the original proof of concept code I had with HS Web. Again, as with LRB Graduated Filters, I’ve put a lot of work into this and approached it as a commercial venture. I am aware though that the appeal of such a gallery is relatively limited. Most people already have a website, so something that creates an entire site is less of an appeal that a simple gallery to show off. However for those looking for something quick and easy, this gallery allows you create a whole website with a little advance preparation and some text entry. To add your email address, you edit one file in an text editor once, and then export and upload.

    The cost of the plugin? €15. VAT chargable in the EU. Updates will be free to current users.

    Sample Website | User Guide | Support

    Add to CartView Cart

    Update: I’ve added a support thread to Lightroom Forums.
    Update: Now at version 1.01.

    115 thoughts on “LRB Portfolio

    1. Here is a freebe.. I posted on a forum at mpix about your plugin.
      I don’t know if you can view it with out creating a login but maybe…
      There are a lot of photographers that are trying to create a website but don’t have the funds or talent to do it on their own, so your plugin helps out…
      Stop blushing, I’m just giving credit where credit is due…

    2. That’s what I was thinking. I just have my blog as one of the external links right now. I was wondering… I have a favicon that I have on my regular website pages and I was wondering if you think it would break the code if I tried to put it in the header of the page…
      I know the easy answer is to try it and see if it works… But I thought I would ask first… I love to play with it but I get tired of reloading the site because I broke it…

    3. Shush Jeff, or I’ll start charging more 🙂

      I’ve changed the way the Google code is added for my current version, you now only need to add your Google ID.

      You could use one of the external links as a ‘Buy Prints” link in the menu.

    4. Quick response… It’s a non issue my bad. I didn’t use the LR panel to enter the code and instead I tried to enter it with dreamweaver…
      I would like to add code to some of the pages so I could send a viewer to zenfolio to purchase prints but I wonder if I add a link into the page, wether it will kill the page or not…
      I’m not a great coder so I’m slowly finding out what to do.
      BUT! over all this looks really good and is a great plugin… and it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a template or hiring a web designer…

    5. HELP… OK, It may just be me being a bit thick.. Just bought LRB and cant even get it to install. When I try to unzip it tells me that the folder already exists. Got round that and all folders and files are now in the right places but LR doesn’t display it in the web galleries.



    6. Sean,

      Great Lightroom plugin, fits almost everything that I need.

      I was just wondering if there was any way to create a kind of second about page…by maybe duplicating the one supplied and changing some of the code???

      I just need one more page with some that will allow me some text. Otherwise it is great.



    7. Hi Franciso,
      Are you following the Support forum on Lightroom Forums? As it turns out I have 2 font controls, including a local one with no user control.
      I humbly apologies for this oversight on my part, which has given a few people issues that I thought had already been fixed.
      I have fixed this for Version 1.2 this evening as well as a few other fixes.

      In the meantime, in the generated gallery, open the content folder and then edit the file custom.css. Search for

      #about {
      text-align: right !important;
      float: left !important;
      padding: 5px 0px 10px 50px !important;
      font-size: 10px !important;
      width: 40% !important;

      And change font-size to a larger value. 12 should be okay.

    8. Hi Sean, sorry to bother you again, I just having all sort of issues trying to get this right.
      The font size on the contact page gets tiny and there is not way to get it back to it’s normal size, I can add any FONT SIZE to it…
      and unfortunately I tested the contact form and it will not sent the mail to the address, it says that is sent but the mail never arrives..
      The email address it’s being double checked and it works normally.

      Do you have any advice ?

      Thanks in advance

    9. Thanks Sean, I got some tips form Peter, he’s great help in deed, I do not know much about HTLM and I have messed up the whole thing now, quite funny looking… ! it will take me a while to figure this out though, but thanks.

    10. Sean, Thanks a lot, I got the new version and the contact form issue is fixed, thanks a lot.
      However any idea how I can add paragraphs to the text body on the home and about page ??
      Also just a suggestion it would be great to be able to change the size of the body text as it’s really small, almost everyone that have seen my site have highlight that point actually ! and it’s really hard to read the body text as it’s real small.

      Thanks in advance Sean,

      Francisco Galan

    11. Hello Sean, I bought the LRB engine a while back and I have not been able to make the contact form work, do you have any advice ?
      Also is there any way of putting a paragraph or spaces in the text at all ??

    12. Hello Sean, I’m a customer of yours, I’m wondering if I cold get some support with the LDB Portfolio 1.03.

      I have a problem with the contact form, when click on send I get the error:
      Error occurred: 404 – not found
      Apache Server at:

      this is my url below hosted with Blacknight solutions:

      I contacted them ans they say that it looks that this is a script issue in the actual website and not the settings of the web space.

      My other question is about the site text and the about text, I can’t seem to be able to add paragraphs ?

      Thanks in advance

    13. greetings from Toronto.

      I just purchased 1.1 and I’m really liking it.

      2 questions/suggestions:

      – have a box or method to input google analytics code. Right now I have to go and edit the html code by hand.

      -you could gain a whole bunch of sales by making your plugin available on RapidWeaver !

    14. Hi Doug,
      if the iPhone doesn’t deal with overflow css, there’s no way around it.

      Looks good. I would say that you should use the br or p tags to make breaks, more than 3 lines makes it hard to read in the about section.

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