A comment in the HS Web post got me started thinking about creating a far more customisable and cleaner version of a ‘Website in a Gallery’ Web plugin. I’ve literally spent almost all my spare time rewriting this from the ground up since then. In fact all the code has been completely replaced the with new Lightroom 2.0 SDK code and so is brand new. Even the Contact Form has been updated to give much prettier returns.

LRB Porfolio features.
There’s a wealth of stuff changed from the original proof of concept code I had with HS Web. Again, as with LRB Graduated Filters, I’ve put a lot of work into this and approached it as a commercial venture. I am aware though that the appeal of such a gallery is relatively limited. Most people already have a website, so something that creates an entire site is less of an appeal that a simple gallery to show off. However for those looking for something quick and easy, this gallery allows you create a whole website with a little advance preparation and some text entry. To add your email address, you edit one file in an text editor once, and then export and upload.
The cost of the plugin? €15. VAT chargable in the EU. Updates will be free to current users.
Sample Website | User Guide | Support
Update: I’ve added a support thread to Lightroom Forums.
Update: Now at version 1.01.
Hi. Thanks for the template. Just setting it up now. 2 problem – first could register on the forum – tried about 20 times but always told be that I input the wrong verification – strange. Secondly the gallery works fine from within Lightroom and also in Firefox when uploaded to the web however when viewing in Safari it’s only loading 2 (sometimes 3) of the gallery images – any ideas? Also – is it possible to have more text space in the about fields? I’d also like to move the order of the buttons plus have an option to disable the home button also.
Making a flash music player would take a little work, and implementing XML to pull audio from should be doable, but..
The gallery is multipage and the player would load on each page, starting afresh each time…
The only way I can think of would be using frames, which would mean a redesign of the layout. And of course they recommend you don’t use frames..
I’ve been using it a bit but not yet online and I’m very happy. Showed a number of wedding photographers and this would be perfect for a lot of peeps if it had a mp3 player for a song…..
Thanks for a great gallery.
Try downloading again. You were correct, the templates were missing. I think when I tested the double click install for Mac, it moved them and I hadn’t noticed.
If you’ve used the 5 dowloads up, please reply to me using the download email you were sent.
I’m out at the moment. I’ll check when I get in later. I didn’t actually look in the folder, just look to see that it was there. There should be 2 templates there. If not, I’ll upload the zip again.
For playback? I’d need to add some kind of player..
I’m not sure it’s feasible with this kind of gallery. Even SlideShowPro has to be manually set up for audio..
This looks perfect for what I need. Is there anyway to add a music file?
Thank you.
Ok, I tried unzipping in a different way and it created the two folders, but the templates folder is empty (which is probably why it was never created in the other process). Are there suppose to be templates files in there? or is that where they will get stored after use?
They’re definitely in the zip, I’ve just checked it. Maybe put the zip in a folder and unzip it there?
User manual says:
Copy the LRB Portfolio.lrwebengine folder into the Web Galleries folder. Place the
Template folder (LRB Portfolio Templates) in the folder Web Templates.
I don’t see any Templates folder in the Zip.
I use Jeffreys Configuration Manager to generate a TranslatedStrings.txt file that has Cracked set as my watermark font..
Here’s the text of the file:
You must be previewing on a very small screen Peter. I’d guess that the image has popped below the text section and that’s what you’re seeing. Using a small image will solve this.
Most computers have a default higher than 1280 these days, which negates the issues.
I think there’s a margin-top in the CSS for the ID Plate which is set to 100. I debated adding in a slider for this. I’ll add it as a feature request.
Cool Sean. I was in the process of updating my website using a bunch of HScrolls when you announced you were working on this portfolio project so I hit the pause button and I’ve been waiting…
Nice work…I’ll let you know when I’ve “re-updated” and send a link.
PS. Is your “cracked” copyright watermark generated on export from LR?
Hi Sean ,
Excellent work!
I was just looking at the preview on both Firefox and IE6 and i was wondering if its possible to remove the white edges at the top and bottom of the pages.
The reason i ask is when a user first opens the page by default they wont see the menu untill they scroll down a few lines and see it at the bottom, to fix this simply removeing the white borders from the top they would instanly see it..
Any thoughts on that ?
No reason why not. It’s just another take on slimbox/shadowbox/lightbox/litebox. I do actually have an unpublished lightbox gallery.
Hi Sean,
that’s a fine plugin for Lightroom!
Would it be possible to use Lightview from Nick Stackenburg? Clicking on a small picture in the gallery it should pop up as a bigger version and fullscreen inside the Lightview window.
Nice idea.
Consider http://www.dynamicdrive.com/emailriddler/ as a way to have a JS-based email link.
Fixed. Thanks again. It seems that it only uploaded a small bit, rather than the whole file..
That’s not good, thanks for the heads up Andy.
The User Guide pdf seems to be broken. Could you double check it?