March 14, 2025


Version 2.3 of LRB Portfolio has been uploaded. The main change with this version is the addition of controls to have the menu over or under the main area, along with an offset to control the exact location of the menu.
It’s a requested feature and while it might seem like a small addition, it took a lot of rewriting under the hood.

In addition a new Web Template ‘Wintershade’ has been added to show an example of the menu up to with an offset to help it sit in line with the Identity Plate.

As with all updates so far, this is free to current users, via the download link you received via email on purchase. Because this is a small change to the plugin, you may decide to skip this version if you’re happy with the menu on the bottom!

New customers can purchase LRB Portfolio from the LRB Portfolio Website for €15. Not bad considering you can create an entire website from this product. More information is available at the website.

There will be a tutorial video to go with this release coming shortly, as time allows.

Update: 2.31 has been pushed out to solve an issue with the generated mail.php file.

9 thoughts on “LRB Portfolio now at 2.3

  1. Hi Sean,

    I've noticed that the gallery index on the home page has a ~1px white line underneath each image. This is evident on each of my test exports, as well as your musofoto site.

    Any ideas what's causing this and if I can fix it?


  2. Ohh.. Hard to explain in comments:

    Build your main gallery and in one of the External links link to a sub folder. Pick any name .e.g. galleries2
    (no .html at the end) and tick the open in new window box.
    Now create a new collection and then open it in web, set up for your new galleries. Either have gallery one or the gallery index as the home page. Leave about, contact off, but have one external link which will be ../index.html (to go to the main page)
    Export this to a folder with the same name as you picked above (e.g. galleries2)

    That's the basics of it.

  3. Hey Sean,

    Great plugin. One issue that I'm having is that when I posted the link on facebook, the preview shows up as a bunch of Chinese
    characters. Any idea what would cause this? Here's my website,



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