July 27, 2024

I’ve been busy with stuff so here’s a little link love to keep you going:

I mentioned this on Lightroom News, but Thomas Hawk (of Zooomr fame) has a new post up on his current workflow. Good read.

Syl Arena also talks about workflow from the point of view of Image Mechanics.

John Beardsworth has 2 3 new plugins. One is for Pseudo ratings in contact sheets, while the other lets you see the size of a group of files. The third lets you Find Missing Files. John is waxing lyrical the process of learning Lua to create these plugins: Since doing the screenshot, I have updated the plug-in after finding how to round to x decimal places in Lua:

function round(what, precision) 
return math.floor(what*math.pow(10,precision)+0.5) / math.pow(10,precision)

For those who don’t quite appreciate the elegance of that beautiful expression, here’s how you’d do the same thing in ugly, functional Microsoft’s VB:

round (what,2)

John is also on Twitter as @barbaricca (sorry John, I couldn’t resist).

The X= blog has a post about Camera Profiles from Michael W. Gray. I see Michael still has the old Beta profiles installed. He details how to set the default profile also..

SlideShowPro for Lightroom has also been updated to version 1.4.5.

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