July 27, 2024

Back when Lightroom Blog was just an independent blog, and not part of Pixiq, there was a focus on Lightroom, but there were also departures in the form of interviews with photographers, external software and general photography topics.

Since joining Pixiq roughly 18 months ago, the focus has been on Lightroom almost exclusively. My reasons for doing this at the time were that there was a host of people doing their thing here in this community. Of course, I’ve found that I’ve been tweeting stuff I could’ve blogged here and gotten to a wider audience with it. I’m coming around to the need to add occasional extras in the form of gear talk, photo talk, even iPad photography. Photography isn’t isolated to the software you use with it.

Hopefully you’ll stick with me on the journey. I promise to keep my Lightroom focus-let’s face it, I spend more time in Lightroom that any other photo program by a large margin, with only Photoshop coming close.

Like Rule 5 says: Enjoy!

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