March 13, 2025

Happy New Year folks, hope the holiday season is going well. Not much of a holiday for me though, I was back working again tonight. 

As I mentioned before, SlideShowPro was released recently for Lightroom. I got a copy and I have to say I really like it. I intend doing a fuller review shortly, but I’ve been mucking around with it in the meantime. In the process I’ve created a cool little template that allows me to place my own flash galleries on sites such as

Here’s how it looks:

You can download the Template here.

Open the Zip file. On Mac OSX, double click on the .lrtemplate to install it. For all systems, right click on User Templates in Left Panel of the Web Module and choose “Import..” from the contextual menu. Use the File Browser to go to where the file unzipped and choose it. Remember, you must have SlideShowPro installed for this to work.

Tip: Because this is an autoplay gallery, and SSP requires the gallery to be paused for export, you need to click Export/Upload and then click to another module, eg Library.

Now to get it to work on you need to use the following code on your page. I have it in the sidebar on my page, but it should work anywhere:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" height="200" width="300" base="." data=""></object>
<param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"></param>
<param name="movie" value=""></param>
<param name="flashvars" value="xmlDataPath="></param>
<param name="quality" value="high"></param>
<param name="base" value="."></param>

Replace all instances of with the location of the gallery folder on your website. If you find it hard to read then use ‘View Source” in your browser to look at the code producing the gallery in the middle. The code above is surrounded by XMP tags to make it viewable.

Hopefully this will be useful to others, I know I’ll be redoing the galleries on my MySpace page now.

14 thoughts on “Business Card Template for SlideShowPro

  1. Thanks for posting the template! It’s nice when artists and graphics people share their good finds and recommendations! This looks really professional and would make a good addition to any Web site, IMO. I like that it can be resized so I can get more creative with it.

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