October 18, 2024

I’ve made the decision to move my web gallery plugins to Photographers Toolbox. That means that LRB Portfolio, LRB Exhibition and LRB Showcase now have a new home.

LRB Portfolio and LRB Exhibition are website creation plugins, allowing you to make an entire photo website inside Lightroom easily. LRB Showcase is an auto resize galllery, allowing large browser filing images for a quick one page portfolio or gallery.

Photographers Toolbox allows me to be part of a nice ecosystem of Lightroom Developers with other benefits such as access to registration, demos, install via plugin, and most importantly, a self update mechanism. This means it's easier to deliver bug fixes and features in real time, rather than in blocks based on the old system of 9 downloads per purchase. Now all dot releases are included in the purchase.

Support for these plugins is via Lightroom Forums.

The intention now is to move towards HTML5 compliance and add new features to each of these plugins, as well as creating more.

Current users of the plugin have already been registered and can retrive their registration code by entering their paypal email address via the ‘Retrieve Your Serial Number’ button in the plugin in Plugin Manager. I do recommend that you back up the current version of your plugin before installing, just as a routine measure.

Demo versions are available, all limited to 10 images, and 1 gallery in the case of Portfolio and Exhibition.

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