March 13, 2025

Those of you paying attention on Twitter might have been as surprised as I when my first ever Export Plugin worked. I’d been having an issue getting one part of the plugin to talk to the other. The plugin worked with manual entries internally, so I know it wasn’t there. All good now. I’ve got the error codes working and the plugin now returns the Twitpic URL when completed.

And on to the announcement.

lr2twitdia.jpg is pleased to announce it’s forthcoming Lightroom to Twitpic export plugin. This plugin allows the user to upload to Twitpic and have the option of posting the link to Twitter, along with a message, or simply to upload the image. If unsuccesful, the plugin posts the Twitpic error message, or if successful, it posts the URL into metadata, accessible via a custom Tagset in the Metadata Panel.

The plugin needs a little polish before it’s ready for general release, like a better logo than I have, and a bottom of dialog section to link back to the plugin details and twitter signup page.

8 thoughts on “Teaser announcement… New Export Plugin

  1. Great! I was looking around for a TwitPic Lightroom Exporter but couldn’t find one. This will save me a lot of time in the future.

  2. Awesome. I look forward to it!

    One of the cool things about Jeffrey’s export plugins (like Flickr) is that they store the URL of the uploaded photo in the metadata, which can then be displayed (and clicked on) in the metadata panel, and smart collections can be built of those which have been uploaded.

    Will yours do that?

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