March 26, 2025

LRB Exhibition has been updated to version 1.44. Being a sub dot release, it’s still a new feature, and that feature is keyboard navigation. To see in the Web Module, you need to click into the centre window to make it active before the keys will take effect. Left and Right arrow control Previous and Next Photo, while Spacebar will toggle Play/Pause.

A demo version is available from Photographers Toolbox, where a serial can be purchased to make it into a full version.

3 thoughts on “LRB Exhibition 1.44 out

  1. Hi Sean hope your well.

    Just checking to see if there is any progress on a responsive form of this plug-in, now that google is ranking websites that are compatible with mobile as well as desktop devices.

    Kind regards & keep up the great work.


  2. Galleries:
    My understanding is that all photos are in one collection for all galleries, differentiated for the different galleries by the photo number location.
    Can each of the different galleries be assign a different named collection?

    1. Hi Ken, nope, Web will use one collection only, so it’s a Lightroom restriction, not a plug-in one.

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