July 27, 2024

I never mention personal things on this blog, but I’m making a small exception tonight. My Father in Law, Jim Keyes, passed away in the early hours of this morning, after spending 6 months in hospital. He was a gentle man, with a good sense of humour. His only failing was his love of golf (or at least my Mother in Law might say so). He really was a good fit for her, they complimented each other well. While not the father of my wife, he treated her as a daughter and he especially loved my son, even to the point of asking for him to be brought in just hours before he passed away. I can only hope that he’s gone on to better things. He will be greatly missed.

4 thoughts on “Tribute

  1. There is absolutely no doubt that you FIL has gone to a better place. But don’t waste a second worrying about him, he is fine now. It’s your MIL who needs your help right now.

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