January 15, 2025


Google have announced that the Nik Collection is now $149. This is a massive reduction on the previous price of $500. The full collection includes the Lightroom and Aperture plugins, and is more than a steal at that price.

The apps that make up this collection are: HDR Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Silver Efex Pro 2, Viveza 2, Sharpener Pro 3 and DFine 2.

In other Google photo news, Google+ have added some of Snapseed’s award-winning photo enhancements to the Google+ iPhone app.

Included are basic edits like rotate and crop, as well as select filters like Drama and Retrolux. You can adjust saturation, contrast, brightness and lots more by sliding your fingers up-and-down, then left-and-right exactly like Snapseed. You can even single tap at any time to compare your work with the original.

2 thoughts on “Nik Collection massive price reduction

  1. Hello… new to your site. I have been looking for information regarding NIK Collection with LR 4.4 and 5. I am new to this arena and plugins. I cannot get the Nik Collection to show up in the LR menu. Do I have to have picture opened in LR to see the Nik Collection. I have topped out my level of frustration with this journey. Any help would be great. (I have contacted Google and everything is in email, and we seem to have a communication deboggle. Help if you can. thanks..

    1. Hi Susan, it should show in the Photo>Edit In.. menu.
      If not, open Preferences (Edit menu on PC, Lightroom menu on Mac), and go to the External Editing tab. In the 2nd section, in Application, click ‘Choose’. Navigate to the Nik folder and select the app. In the Preset menu, save it as a preset.

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