January 23, 2025

Eiffel Tower by Joey Lawrence (Used with permission)

A long time ago I came across a photoblog called G8. A lot of people thought it was just one photographer, but in fact it was a collective. The images varied quite a lot in theme, but one of the things that caught my eye were the superbly thought out and processed images of people. The key instigator of these images, as it turned out, was 16 year old Joey Lawrence. He’s 17 now and doing a lot of commercial stuff, not to mention traveling about a lot. You can see all of his G8 images here and check out his website: http://www.joeyl.com. Recently he’s been shooting a lot of promo stuff for bands. Along with his great eye and lighting skills, Joey is a fantastic post processor. He easily gives plenty of the old boys a run for their money. Well worth a look!

I believe Strobist.com will also be posting about him shortly.

2 thoughts on “Starting Young: Joey Lawrence

  1. How does jey do his post processing style? what are the main techniques he uses? it seems that unedited technically correct non prcessed photos are not good enough anymore.

    1. Joey sells DVD’s that explain his PP in great detail.

      Technically correct=same as everyone else. You have to stand out to get work.

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