March 1, 2025

It’s been quiet around here for a few weeks, not just because it’s quiet on the Lightroom front, but also because it’s the busiest time of year here in Galway. 2 weeks of the Galway Arts Festival finished yesterday and now we’re into Race Week. The Galway Races are one of the longest race meets in Europe and certainly the most lucrative for the city. As you can imagine, it’s been hectic, with little spare time. What time I had was being put into finishing writing my Lightroom book for PIP (GMC publications book arm). While the text is done and ready for edit, I’ve a few screen caps to do still.

I also finished my tech edit on Chris Orwig’s Lightroom book which is called Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques. It’s a good book packed with tips and ideas from Chris, with a bunch of stuff I threw in also. There was a great team on the book and I eagerly await the final product. So yes, I am available for tech edit work. Actually, I quite enjoy it!

Anyhow, I’ll be posting more shortly, once the 50-60 GB of images from the last 2 weeks are edited down a bit!

4 thoughts on “Quiet on the Western Front

  1. I was just over at the Luminous Landscape and Jeff is hinting days… or Hours. The only tips better than Jeff’s are Eric Chan’s. IMHO.

  2. It has been quiet out in LR blog land. The anticipation for LR2 is palpable as well, with another book hitting the streets its gotta be right around the corner.

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