July 27, 2024

Steve Sutherland, the creator of the Mapi Mailer export action has gone a step further and created a dedicated Export plugin for emailing from Windows Lightroom.

“Just thought I’d announce to any MapiMailer users out there, that I’ve finally created an Export plug-in version of MapiMailer. The main benefit to users of the old MapiMailer is that the Windows limitation on how many files could be attached to your email is now gone.

For those who have not heard of MapiMailer, it is a plug-in which allows Windows (only) users to export and attach multiple photos to their default email program. Without it, you can only attach a single photo. It is free for anyone to use (donations accepted). It has been submitted to the Adobe plug-in exchange, but you can also download and read about it now at my new website www.sbsutherland.com.

Spread the word.
Steve Sutherland”

1 thought on “New MapiMailer Export Plug-in Available (for Windows)

  1. Hi,

    The Lightroom 3.2 application installed plugins have a file called “process”.irpugin. Does MapiMailer ZIP produce a MapiMailer.irplugin within the folder MapiMailer.Irplugin?
    I have tried several times to download and unzip the latest MapiMailer application and when unzipped it does not produce this file and Lightroom plug in manager cannot load the mapimailer plugin. I sent a copy of this memo to Scott.


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