July 27, 2024

Over on the Lightroom Journal, Andy Rahn has a pleasing announcement to make relating to Web Galleries.

“The authors of three excellent Flash-based web photo galleries, Airtight Interactive, have agreed to let us integrate with Lightroom!

Download Adobe Photoshop Lightgroom Web Gallery Templates for SimpleViewer, Postcard Viewer, and AutoViewer:

SimpleViewer : http://adobelightroom.com/galleries/airtight_simpleviewer.zip
PostcardViewer : http://adobelightroom.com/galleries/airtight_postcardviewer.zip
AutoViewer : http://adobelightroom.com/galleries/airtight_autoviewer.zip

Unzip the archives, and save them into the “Web Galleries” directory in your Lightroom settings folder:

Mac OS X : /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Web Galleries
Windows XP : C:Documents and Settings[username]]Application DataAdobeLightroomWeb Galleries
Windows Vista : C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingAdobeLightroomWeb Galleries
Relaunch Lightroom. These should now be visible in the Web module. Enjoy!”

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1 thought on “New for Web: Airtight Interactive Web Galleries

  1. The Airtight galleries are great. But they didn’t solve one issue; in fact, they made it worse. I would like to have the ability to have a menu bar in the Lightroom Flash galleries. It’d be great if Adobe allowed for this, or if Airtight would make their galleries have a place for email contact and other links.

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