July 27, 2024

While it’s early days yet, there are still a bunch of new things for version 2 of Lightroom.

Victoria Bampton, the Lightroom Queen, has a list of updated features, highlighting changes from both V1.41 and the Beta. Also she’s created a new shortcut list for V2, which will be a handy resource for users.

The king of Plugins, Jeffrey Friedl, has also updated his plugins for version 2. After a little hinting, he also put his Lightroom stuff on one page! Check out his Lightoom Goodies page for more details.

NAPP have the Lightroom 2 Learning Center, with Matt K and Scott Kelby doing the presentations.

There are loads of new additions to the Adobe Design Center for Lightroom. You can also access Community Help from there.

The Help files are also online, with commenting so you can ask for, or give help, suggest changes or simply leave a message. This is a moderated service, but comments will always go live immediatley, to be moderated after. Disclosure: As per the V1 Wiki, I’m a moderator. It’s a voluntary position.

The Help is also available as a downloadable PDF.

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