October 26, 2024

Here’s a short video showing how to generates the look of a Tilt Shift lens in Lightroom. As a user of the 24mm TSE Canon lens, it’s nice to be able to use this look on other shots where either I didn’t have the lens, or the right focal length

Users of my Timelapse Presets, should note that using Sync, you can apply this to your sequence to create a tilt shift timelapse.

This is a HD video, so make sure you click select 720 and full screen to see it best. I’ll also be giving away the photo used in the video as iPad wallpaper in the next copy of the Archetype newsletter. Sign up in the sidebar if you’re not getting it already.

If you want to post your developed photos somewhere, I just created a Flickr group for Lightroom Blog.

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