October 18, 2024

Hey folks, loads going on with me, leaving me with far less blogging time. Currently getting up to speed with Adobe Connect, so I can do some webinars. I’ve also been added as a freelancer for a local freesheet, so that’s even more time gone. Anyway, while I do have some stuff in the pipeline, here’s some links to keep your Lightroom interest up.

Jeffrey Friedl has an epic post on getting your photos onto the iPad from Lightroom. I’ve been doing this via publish services for a while, but this has stuff that explains things I didn’t really get (like image blurring by iTunes for example). Great read.

Laura Shoe has a great post on where to get Lightroom help, and good ettiquette to get you an answer.

Laura also converted a tweet suggestion of mine into a posting “Getting Perspective on your Close up work in Lightroom“.

Clickin Moms has a good article on retouching. It’s not high fashion retouch, but it’s still comprehensive. One thing I really like about it is it talks about what to leave in, not just how to take stuff out.

Slightly older, but still great, is Rob Slyvans post on Migrating your Lightroom Catalog.

Not quite Lightroom, John Beardsworth does another take on Nik Sliver Efex Pro, which can be used as a Lightroom Plugin.

I still have 20% off with the code TAXTIME at LRB Plugins.

Julieanne Kost has a new video on whether to use Lightroom or Bridge. She also had a cool tip via Twitter about Flags this week.

Hopefully that’ll keep ya going. Don’t forget you can follow me on Twitter as @lightroomblog for regular blurb and photography links.

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