October 26, 2024

NewImageI’m late to the party on this one, but it’s been a hectic week. It’s a fair while ago now when I had ‘First Contact’ with Dave Seeram from freshly launched Clarity Magazine. Dave is heavily involved with PhotographyBB. I’ve been interviewed by them in the past, and I also know Dave as the affiliates contact for Craft and Vision. Dave approached me about writing meatier and more in-depth looks at Lightroom. Stuff that isn’t just beginner stuff, but adds more for those that have more practical experience. I was happy to oblige.

So for the first issue, I’ve a fresh look at Lightroom Catalogs, including new Catalog related items for Lightroom 5. From the physical presence on disk, to the process of using catalogs, I cover the range in this 5 page spread.I should note this is a horizontal magazine suit to computer and tablet display.


I’m not the only contributor-in fact, it’s a who’s who of photographers. The full list includes Kevin Kubota, Piet Van den Eynde, Lindsay Ostrom, Howard Pinsky, Dave Delnea, Bill McCarroll, Michael Frye, Jay Livens, Lee Sacrey, Barry J. Brady, Jon McCormack, as well as yours truly.

Sean mccormack spread

The range in the magazine is really good, from Lighting to Lightoom, Photography to Photoshop, Creativity to the Cloud.
Jon McCormack has a great photo essay on schools for Kenyan Kid while Kevin Kubota talks Creative Lighting. My Craft and Vision buddies Dave Delnea and Piet Van den Eynde talk Creativity & Tra el Workshops respectively, while Micheal Frye has a beautiful talk about being brought back to photography from writing. There’s even a Mango Papaya Mint Smoothie recipe to go with food photography tips from Lindsay Ostram.

The magazine is a bimonthly publication, @$6.99, or $29.99 for the year(6 issues).

Get the first issue!


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2 thoughts on “Clarity Magazine Launch

  1. I read an article that all 54 editions of photographybb magazine are free to download. is that true? I cannot seem to find the link.

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