March 10, 2025

Paul RG Haley’s (now twice yearly) week of training in Roaches Hall in Buxton is rapidly approaching. I’ll be there again, and teaching 5 classes. 2 on Lightroom, 2 on indoor flash and 1 on location lighting.


Of course, I’m not the only trainer there. Mark Pearson will be doing business classes, Julie Oswin will be doing Bridal portraiture using natural light and Gary Hill will be doing studio classes. Paul himself will be doing Lighting in difficult places.

NewImagePhoto by Julie Oswin

So what happens? Well the week runs from 17-21st Oct, with participants arriving at 4pm on the Monday. There’ll be walk around to view the mansion followed by a BBQ in the garden. The first evening is topped off with a wine tasting session.

Classes begin the next morning at 10am and run until 8:30. After dinner is social, but usually it a big sharing session with lighting, business and software techniques. And more wine. This gets repeated on the Wed and Thursday. On Fri morning we checkout by 10 and go to a local cafe for a big breakfast before everyone heads home.

NewImagePhoto by Steve Ramsden

The sessions themselves are educational and very productive, with every participant taking something away with them to help in their business. It’s also a fantastic networking tool.

As part of the classes, there are 3 models. These models also take 1:1 sessions during the week, so you can apply your freshly learned knowledge to create new portfolio images. (Workshop images cannot be used for this, or for competition).

The week is almost sold out, but I believe there’s a twin room left, so either space for either 2 males or 2 females is available. Cost is £405 and this includes food for the week: breakfast, soup and sandwiches for lunch and an evening meal. This is probably the cheapest residential training anywhere, seeing as it’s training, food and accomodation all in one price.

Contact Paul via the Paul RG Haley training website if you’re interested.

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