February 14, 2025

Jeff Schewe demoed Lightroom Beta 5 at Photo Plus Expo in New York. He did add that caveat that he was unaware if it would actually be released to the public. Among the other things added was a spot healing tool. Here’s a collection of posts from people at PPE:
Rob Reese:
I attended a couple of sessions on Lightroom at the PhotoPlus Expo in New York yesterday. I thought folks might like to know that Jeff Schewe was showing Beta 5 at the Adobe booth. He was clear that this didn’t mean that a Beta 5 was ever going to be released and still wouldn’t say when the production version would be out.

I wish I had taken better notes. One very interesting thing he demonstrated was the healing brush (very cool). He suggested that in the final implementation you would be able to remove dust spots and then apply the “healing” to other shots with the same spot pattern.

He also demonstrated the variable zoom. You will be able to pick from a list ranging from 1:4 to (in the demo) 1:11. The 1:11 is apparently a programmer’s joke (like the amp in the movie “Spinal Tap” – it’s one better isn’t it?).

Wish I could remember more. I’m not an in-depth user of Lightroom at this point, so I’m not sure if some of the other things he showed were new or not.

OK – I remembered two more things:

There are now view options in the print module, showing an overlay of printer and profile selection on the image.

“plug ins” will be accomplished by allowing folks to add additional modules (like Library and Develop), so in the future I can imagine a Noise Ninja or Lightzone tab. However, the SDK will not be available until after the 1.0 release.

DAJr comments :
I was also at the PPE show on Friday, and caught one of Jeff’s LR presentations at the Adobe booth. For those who want the option of NOT using the database, there is hope… While I didn’t see it “in action,” I did catch a glimpse of a new “FOLDERS” tab on the left, in Library mode, next to the “COLLECTIONS” and “SHOOTS” tabs. I can only hope that this is for the purpose of using LR in folder, rather than database mode.


In this same thread, Michael Tapes mentions that Beta 5 still may not be a public Beta. Michael Reichmann of Luminous Landscape has previously stated that Beta 4 was the last beta and having a .1 release with 4.1 seems to support that. As a lot of people felt that these Public Betas were more like Alphas, it may be that the feature complete Betas may not see the light of day to keep stuff secret for the V1.0 release. Time will tell.

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