March 10, 2025


Adobe Carousel has been announced at Photoshop World. Carousel is an entirely new solution designed to solve the flawed photography experience endured by photographers trying to use a desktop, tablet or mobile phone for a cohesive imaging workflow.

Ideally we should be able to have access to photos fromour photo library everywhere. Not just view them, but edit them and share them as needed. Carousel was created to do just that. It allows you to share images across devices, and adjust across these devices with real time sync. You can import as many photos as you want, even full resolution files. You get 5 photo carousels and can share each with up to 5 people. Format wise this will be JPEG only on launch. Macworld states that it supports export, but not printing.

Carousel was developed by some former members of the Lightroom team: Mark Hamburg, the originator of Lightroom is leading the product team. Eric Scouten moved over to work on mobile devices. Other Lightroom people on the team are Donna Powell and the inimatible Melissa Gaul.

The PSW video showed photo libraries being shared across a desktop Mac, and iPad and an iPhone. Photos shot from the iPhone through the app get shared directly. Edits made on any device is shared among all the devices. The team video mentions that the editing feature uses the Camera Raw engine, so future features look obvious. The editing is also non destructive, so I’ve a feeling it draw from Lightroom design, applying metadata to a preview image.

As it’s server based, you need to subscribe at $59.99/year or $5.99/month. There’ll be a 30 day free trial. Initially this will be a Mac OSX Lion product along with iOS devices later this month. Windows and Android will be added in 2012.

More news as I get it.

Other links: Terry White posted from the PSW Floor.

Macworld have a preview.

There’s a Carousel page on, and the product link is now live at

Finally a bitter tone from CNET on the Apple only start.

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