March 3, 2025

After a lot of stalls with small bugs and progressive feature updates LRB Portfolio 2.6 is now live. Addition include

  • Added gallery title and descriptions for non Cmotion Pages
  • Added 2nd blank page which can be hidden for menu (e.g. for a copyright information page)
  • Added switch to turn off left contact div
  • Increased text area width range
  • Added Site Title and Site text to Gallery Index (this was a feature request by me). To make it fit it meant reducing down the cell sizes.
  • 7th gallery.
  • LR2/3 automatic watermark switching from Tim Armes.
  • The gallery index now automatically changes the cell height when toggling text on or off.
  • ID plate can be on the bottom instead of top.
  • ID Plate code now in separate file to make the code tidier.
  • New template: Brooke showing ID plate on bottom design

News users can purchase via the LRB Portfolio Website, and current users can download from the download link they got on purchase.

9 thoughts on “LRB Portfolio 2.6 launched

  1. With slightly better grammer…..

    Hi Sean, is there any way of stopping the slight juddering you get whilst cmotion is scrolling? The connection speed is pretty fast, is there a way of getting the images to load first i.e spinning graphic?

  2. Hi Sean, is there any way of stopping the slight juddering you get cmotion is scrolling? The connection speed is pretty fast, is there a way of getting the images to load first i.e spinning grpahic?

  3. I`d like to download 2.61. I click on the download link that was originally sent to my email address , and I end up downloading 1.2 over and over again.

    I`ve played around with 1.2 a little bit. It looks ok for a 1st start , but I don`t think I`ll use it right now. Its great that the user can make multiple pages. But overall its just not that professional looking. You should have a thumbnail strip with a navigation bar ( instead of faceless numbers ) with the ability to customize it. Its supposed to be a website for photographers , not accountants … show thumbnails as images , not numbers ? But what do I know ? I`m guessing it must be very difficult to create a general interactive site that anyone can use. Because they`re so few options out there.

    I tried Square Space. It sucked. I played around with Freeway. It looks like a terrific program. But there`s not much info available specifically for photographers on how to use it and create galleries , and Dreamweaver forget about. Who has time for that ?

    But your definitely on the right track with LRB Portfolio and I hope you get it into kick ass shape ( and go Celtics # 18 coming up ).

    Have a good one ( and have a Guinness ). Mark

    1. Hi Mark, 1.2 is for Exhibition, Portfolio was probably at 1.2 almost 2 years ago. Did you get both?

    1. As per every update, you use the download link you got on purchase and were told to keep safe.

  4. Hi Sean

    I’m putting together a web site & I am going to use LRB Portfolio 2.6 which I have got. But the external links don’t seem to work?

    Sean any help would be good.

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