March 4, 2025


As I’m sure you know by now, I’m the Lightroom Master on Phototraining4U is the brainchild of another Pixiq expert: Mark Cleghorn. As well as covering Lightroom, Photoshop and Elements for software, there’s also topics as diverse as Weddings, Boudoir, Business ideas and much more.

Being a Master has a side benefit: I get to use the site, and boy, do I! The things that I’m really liking this month (beside myself of course!) are Studio Watch, where Mark turns a studio around and makes it much more profitable, and the new Apprentices, where 2 people get trained by Mark in both photo and business skills. While there are a lot of video training sites, this is specifically geared to not only making you a better photographer, but a better business person. And I’m all for that

This month the video tutorial I’ve done is on Lightroom Previews and discussing a lot of the anatomy of previews in Lightroom and making the most of them. I’ve also started to reach out to members looking for specific things in Lightroom, so the results of that will bear fruit in the coming months.

If you’re interested use the code NOW to get 1 month for £9.99 (normally £22.99)-this is a subscription BTW. Or if you want to go yearly use the code SEAN to get £50 off.

As a side note I’ll be at ProFoto in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin later today and tomorrow with PT4U, and there’s a training day with Mark on Thursday in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, just up the road from the Green Isle.

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