March 4, 2025

Lightroom 5.4 is now available through the update mechanism. Usually there’s a release candidate, but this time, due to the introduction of Lightroom mobile, we had to wait for a full version. Unfortunately for me, none of my 5 iOS devices meet the requirements for personal screen captures!

Get Lightroom 5.4: Mac | PC

Screen Shot 2014 04 08 at 11 11 47

The main concept for Lightroom mobile is to allow users to work in couch mode, syncing images with Lightroom desktop and then working on them there. Being a version 1.0 product, features are limited, with plans for expansion in the future.

Currently you can sync collections from Lightroom to work with, apply presets, use flagging to make selections, do Basic Panel adjustments and import photos from your camera roll.

Rating stars are not available in this 1.0 version.

The syncing mechanism is server based, so requires internet access. This means upload and download is based on your internet speed. Currently there’s no local area sync.

Lightroom mobile makes use of the Smart Previews introduced with Lightroom 5. As a reminder, these are lossy DNG files sized to 2560px long. They can be used when the original file is offline, and the adjustments get applied automatically when it becomes available.

To use Lightroom mobile, you need to sign into your Creative Cloud account. The following accounts fulfill requirements for Lightroom mobile:
Photoshop Photography Program

  • Creative Cloud complete plan
  • Creative Cloud Student and Teacher Edition
  • Creative Cloud for teams complete plan
  • A free 30-day trial of Lightroom mobile is available

    To get files onto Lightroom mobile

    For a full tutorial on using Lightroom mobile, go to the Lightroom mobile help page

    Lightroom mobile is available on the iOS App Store.

    In additions, you can also have the collections available with Lightroom web at

    The other major change was previewed in Camera Raw 8.4 RC, and that was Fuji X Camera Profiles. Joy!

    2 thoughts on “Lightroom 5.4, Lightroom mobile now available

    1. Hi,

      Can you please let me knw from where can I can get LR Timelapse for LR 5.4.

      Thanks in advance.

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