February 18, 2025

I found and interesting thing today while in the Filmstrip. With one image selected in Loupe view (or Grid) using the shortcut Shift Command Down Arrow (Shift Control Down Arrow on PC) will select an additional 6 images. This can be repeated to add another 6 and so on. Using Shift Command Up Arrow (Shift Control Up Arrow on PC) will remove 6 images from the selection.
If you start with an image on the middle, then using Shift Command Up Arrow (Shift Control Up Arrow on PC) will select images to the left of the current image, while Shift Command Down Arrow (Shift Control Down Arrow on PC) will deselect them.

Update: Troy Gaul tell me the number (6 in my case) is based on the number of thumbnails in the grid row for grid view (obviously not visible in Loupe view), so having smaller thumbnails or a wider window will increase this number.

For single image additions to the selection, use Shift Command Left Arrow (Shift Control Left Arrow on PC) to add to the right and Shift Command Right Arrow (Shift Control Right Arrow on PC) to the left. The opposite arrow will deselect (i.e. if you use the left arrow to select, the right arrow shortcut will deselect).

4 thoughts on “Filmstrip Selection tip

  1. I think tips like these should either show up when "hovering over" or in the right click menu as I must have a list of about 100 useful ones to date!
    Its a bit old fashioned to rely on experts like yourself to publish these goodies.

  2. Ah..

    Maybe its just me but i hardly ever use more than 2 or 3 images in a row when exporting. Saving metadata..maybe but Ctrl+A to select everything then Ctrl+S works for me faster. Nice tip but i just see it selecting images i dont really need and then having to unselect them.

    Thanks for the tip and response though!

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